Your Stories

We would be delighted to print any stories from anyone who would like to share their experiences with other people. It does help to know that other people are going through the same thing.


  "Katrina recently turned 23. She received a kidney from her Dad when she was 5 years old and has had good health ever since. Katrina has c

My life with Epispadias

I was born with a very rare condition called epispadias. This means my urethra didn't grow properly. Although this was diagnosed when I was born, I di

Message from a mum with a son who has Epispadius

No one story is the same. Some opted for bladder closure straight away, some just accepted being wet and some like us have tried several different rou

Franklyn's Story

"Franklyn’s story from mum Jenna"     We were told there was something wrong with one of Franklyn’s kidneys at my 20 we


VICTORIAS STORY - BY MUM EMMA   We will add this to the 'Your stories' section of our website and please share on your own social m


ANDREW'S STORY BY MUM KATE"    Our son Andrew was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease just after his 1st birthday. This was a complete


MITCHELL'S STORY BY MUM NICOLA   Mitchell was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome FSGS when he was 2 years old. During those first few years he


  "I would love to show my appreciation for everything the team done for me at Yorkhill hospital and the new Royal

Chardonnay's Story

  "Hi, my names Chardonnay and I would like to share my story. I became severely unwell just before my 15th birthday, I was completely healthy

John Paul and Franks Story

Where to start? I could talk for hours about John Paul's story. He’s been through more in his 8 years than I have in my lifetime. John Paul was